My favourite videos.

About change of habits and becoming more effective in life.

How to make stress your friend

Stress. It makes your heart pound, quicken your breathing and sweat your forehead. But while stress has been made into a public health enemy, new research suggests that stress may only be bad for you if you believe that to be the case. Psychologist Kelly McGonigal urges us to see stress as a positive, and introduces us to an unsung mechanism for stress reduction: reaching out to others.

The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

Practical advice on how to be appropriately engaged with what’s going on to be able to manage your attention and productivity.

About relationships.

Finding “The One” in times of online dating

This idea of finding "the one" is problematic for relationships. The paradox of choice creates a real sense of anxiety in people looking for a long-term partner. Expecting that one person to meet all our emotional, physical and spiritual needs is quite a task for one individual. Perhaps instead of looking for a person who meets all the requirements, you should focus on a person with whom you can imagine yourself writing a story. And there are no perfect stories.

About millennials.

How stress is killing us (and how you can stop it).

What cause us to have so much stress these days? And why are especially young people vulnerable to this? What is stress? What happens in the brain and in the body during stress? What are the consequences of stress, if you’re not careful? What is burn-out? Which 5 steps can you take to reduce stress in your life? Final message: it is possible to experience less stress in life – with some practical solutions. But YOU have to make the choice to do this!

Why we need to commit to something

Pete Davis argues that this is the defining characteristic of the moment: keeping our options open. We are stuck in “Infinite Browsing Mode”—swiping through endless dating profiles without committing to a single partner, jumping from place to place searching for the next big thing, and refusing to make any decision that might close us off from an even better choice we imagine is just around the corner.