Your journey.

Explore the benefits here to choose your starting point.

Identify your starting point.

Take a breath and stand still at the present moment.

In two 1-on-1 coaching sessions, you’ll learn to work with The Wheel of Life. This tool is designed to tap into every area of your life. It helps you become aware of your current state and where you want to be.

To use this tool, you will be given access to your own digital workspace.


Set goals.

To achieve something big, it is important to break it down into smaller, more manageable tasks. By doing this, you can focus on completing each task and move closer to your overall objective.

Additionally, by aligning your goals with your personal values, you can ensure that you are working towards something that truly matters to you.

During two 1-on-1 coaching sessions, you will work with me to define your personal values and establish goals within your own digital workspace, with exercises tailored specifically to your needs.


Start moving.

Clear what actions are needed to move forward? Good. Now let's start small, in the area of your choice.

I’ll be with you every step of your way, to guide you to the changes needed, to remove barriers, and push forward to change habits.

Together, we determine the tools and techniques that can help you move forward based on your needs. These tools and techniques will be provided to you in your own digital workspace and adapted based on your progress.

€59 p/s

Revisit & review.

Review your life in the following months. Tap into each life area again to see where you stand with the goals you have set and refocus on actions required to improve the area that needs it.

If you feel you require support, I’ll be there for you.

€59 p/s

Ready to find balance
in your life?

Let's find out if we are a match: book a free discovery session.