A Blog About Millennials

A Millennial's Guide Through Life

As the world constantly changes, we must also adapt. Therefore, I believe that there is always more to learn and explore in life. In my blog, A Millennial's Guide Through Life, I share what I'm learning along my journey as a millennial.

Join me on this journey of self-discovery, growth, and transformation to become effective and adaptable in this ever-changing and stressful world full of possibilities.

Planning for Success with Realism

How to realistically plan for success? Embrace the power of mapping out your life on a timeline, acknowledging both the highs and lows. Gain self-awareness, foster self-compassion, and create a realistic plan for the next five years. This exercise promotes personal growth, resilience, and the acceptance that it's okay to face challenges.

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Regain a Sense of Direction: The Art of Decision-Making

Discover how to navigate our complex, fast-paced and ever-changing world by reconnecting with your values, beliefs, and decision-making abilities. Learn the importance of values in dealing with life's challenges, and gain practical strategies for making decisions that align with your principles.

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